Thursday, August 20, 2009

Poo Poo

Thanks to the book Diaper Free, Given has been pooing on the toilet since he was like 6 months old. There are a lot of "misses" as they call it, where his diaper gets soiled. In Hawaii he runs naked A LOT and more then a few times I'd either catch one in my hand by accident, or we'd find him smearing it all over his favorite Tonka truck. Eeeeeew Gross, I know!

Now that he can communicate a little better he will tell us he has to go. This is SUCH a great thing. This morning he looks at me in between chi chi sucks with those beautiful moss green eyes and said "poo poo." These are my favorite times lately. One, because I don't have to let any of the yucky stuff get anywhere and I don't have to use ANOTHER diaper. Also because at 15 months he's so aware and happy to go on the potty!

Diaper free isn't that hard and I encourage you moms to at least try this theory. You basically make a noise when they use the bathroom... mine is a grunt, kinda sounds like a mating ox, but not as loud :). You do this every time you see them "pooing" or whatever. As soon as you see them doing their thing they do right before they go (Given goes into a corner, some make a grunt or pull their diaper) take them to the toilet and make the noise. It took a handful of times before Givey got it... but they do get it.

When I think of all the money I've already saved on diapers, I'm amazed. I swear it makes my boy feel like he is achieving something too... after he poo's on the toilet he has a huge smile and walks around all confident.

Good luck!!! Let me know f you have any questions....